If you’ve had a look around on my blog, you will have noticed I’m a wreath lover! For ALL seasons, .. not just for Christmas! They’re so versatile and can quickly transform an area depending on what wreath you’re creating for the season.
And so I bought this box of paper straws recently with this indoor wreath project in mind. However, I actually used some of them for another project that I shared recently. If you missed it, you can see it here. It’s turned out so cute!
Now, let me start of by saying this project took a bit of time. And it took a LOT of straws. In fact, because of the amount of straws I had used for the previous project, I ended up buying another box. Because I made my wreath very full I used 237 straws in total. Of course, if you want to use less straws, you can adjust the measurements of the circle slight to make it slightly smaller. I’m pleased with how it’s turned out though. And fortunately the rest of the project is super cheap so it’s still worth it!
Here’s what I used
Colourful paper straws
A 6″ circle with a 3″ hole in the middle, cut out from cardboard
Hot glue
Some string or ribbon to hang your wreath
here’s how I did it
Start off with drawing a 6 inch circle onto a piece of cardboard.
Next, draw a 3 inch circle inside the 6 inch circle. Cut around the 6′ circle and around the edge of the 3′ circle in the middle. Like this:
I gave one side of my cardboard ring a quick coat of white acrylic paint. In case any of the background will peep through it’ll look nicer than the cardboard colour. Leave to dry.
For the first layer of the wreath I cut the straws to 6.5 inches. I started off by dividing the ring into 4 parts. Like this:
Next, I filled up all quarters with straws of 6.5 inches. Line up the inner circle and space them out slightly. In retrospect I could have spaced them out slightly more to use less straws. But what the heck – it looks nice and full.
layer it!
Once you’ve completed the first layer, move onto a second layer to fill in the gaps. I cut these straws into 5.5 inch length. Hot glue the straws of the second layer in between the straws of the first layer. You’re aiming to fill the gap that is still showing through.
Even with just the 2 layers completed I think it looks so lovely and colourful. If there are any gaps left over, you can add a third layer like I did.
I decided to cut the next layer of paper straws to 4.5 inch length and add another circle all the way round. Repeat the same process as before, hot gluing and placing them in between the straws of the second layer.
I glued some string to the back of the wreath to be able to hang it. Hot glue and secure with an icicle pop for added security.
And here’s the finished article. It adds a real burst of colour when you come in the door.
And here’s a close up of all those colourful designs 🙂 Isn’t that gorgeous? I absolutely love how it’s turned out.
Need more wreath ideas for different seasons? Check out my spring wreath from last year here. And don’t forget my summer one, made from cute little cocktail umbrellas! SO simple, but very colourful and effective.
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