We don’t normally celebrate St Patrick’s Day in our home. Having said that, under normal (non corona!) circumstances, I am definitely up for going out and joining in with the festivities!! Any excuse to get out and meet up with friends for a good time. As if we need an excuse!!
AND of course when it comes to crafting .. (if you’re a cheeky gnome lover like me), it’s the PERFECT time to incorporate these cuties into a project!
I saw this SVG file on Etsy and couldn’t resist getting it to create a quick fun sign with an old picture frame.
Here’s what I used for my St Patrick’s project
An old picture frame – the glass had already broken on this one!
The Chilling with your Gnomies print out
Black and white gingham Background material
Clover MDF shapes – I bought mine on Etsy here
Hot Glue
Black and Green Acrylic Paint
Ribbon – I used these ones from USATOUKWREATHS on Etsy who have THE best ribbons!
How to put together your project
I started with painting this frame black with acrylic paint. The glass broke a long time ago (but of course I kept the old frame for a project!)
I cut this material to size, cutting it slightly bigger than the cardboard backing. Fold over to the back and secure with hot glue. The material might look familiar! – I used it to make super-simple pumpkins from toilet paper rolls in the autumn. Check them out here.
Get your “Chilling with my gnomies” printable right here.
I printed this out on some white cardstock and cut to size. I also cut some black cardboard slightly larger and mounted it on top with some double sided tape.
Add a golden buckle to your St Patrick’s frame
Of course we can’t have a St Patrick’s Day picture without a little leprechaun buckle! I looked online everywhere to find a gold buckle but could not see what I wanted. So I decided to create my own.
I had this gorgeous gold shimmer ribbon left over from Christmas and cut off a small rectangle. Fold it double and give two small snips with a pair of scissors to create some slits. I “fed” the ribbon through the slits and voila .. a little leprechaun buckle slider.
Attach it to the background with some double sided tape or hot glue. Fold around the edges and secure at the back. Attach your printables to the background and you’re ready to pop this back in the frame!
St Patrick’s day lucky clovers
To fill up some of the frame and add some more fun detail I used the MDF clovers. Most of them were painted with some acrylic green paint which is self explanatory.
For two of them I used some gold leaf I still had around. Use Mod Podge to cover the leaf and place the little sheet of gold leaf carefully on top. Gently smooth out over the clover and leave to dry for a few minutes. When it’s dried take a small brush and carefully take off the excess gold leaf by smoothing over the edges with the brush.
Hot glue as many clovers as you want straight onto the frame.
Finally, to finish it off I created a messy bow with lots of different ribbons. I used the gold one I had left over from Christmas. The gorgeous clover ribbon is from USATOUKWREATHS.
The gingham patterned one is from The Ribbon Room who do brilliant ribbons at AMAZING prices!!
Are you ready for the results??
I am so excited to show you how this has turned out!! And it’s been such great fun to make.
Here’s a closer look at that bow..
And the little lucky clovers.
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