Making a cute craft project doesn’t have to be difficult!! Like this cute little Bee Happy sign – I grabbed some bits that were left over from my previous crafting projects. By the way, did you catch the bee skep we made here?
And added a few small items to create this quick fix sign!

I still had some bee ribbon and trim left over, as well as some bits that I picked up from Hobbycraft a few weeks ago. Oh, and I also had this material that I used to make some toilet roll pumpkins last year (yes toilet rolls .. seriously .. check them out – they’re super-simple to make!!)
here’s what I used:
A canvas frame. I bought it in Hobby Craft but can’t see them on their website! Any small frame will do though 🙂
Some fabric material cut to size as the background – I used this black and white gingham material
Mod Podge (of course!)
A corner plaque (Plaid) from Hobbycraft – again, I can’t see this on their site, but a small wooden piece of wood measuring roughly 5 x 7 inches will do the trick!
Hot glue
Blackboard paint
A “bee Happy” vinyl decal from Amazon here
Bee trim – you can find it on Ebay here
Some ribbon to make a pretty bow – you can buy my bee ribbon here
Putting your sign together!
I started with cutting some of the material to size. I wanted to use the black and white gingham as the background, so just cut it in the square shape and used Mod Podge to stick it down.

The little sign got a coating of chalkboard paint. It only needed one coat to get good coverage!

putting the whole thing together!
I don’t have many “progress” photos, but you can catch me making this sign on a Facebook Live session here!
Basically, hot glue the painted sign in the middle of your frame. Take your vinyl “Bee Happy” decal and add it to your little blackboard. I chose to put the wording slightly below the centre to leave room for a pretty bow!

Cut your bee trim to size and hot glue them on the top and the bottom of your frame.

Finally, I created a small messy bow from a bee ribbon. You can find the exact same one here! I added only a small amount of black ribbon and a few sprigs of raffia for fun.

Hot glue onto your sign and voila!! All done!

Now, don’t tell me that that wasn’t just THE easiest?? And the cutest?

Oh, by the way .. see the wooden garland? – they are super-easy and fun to make yourself too! You can catch exactly how to make them here.
Loving the whole BEE thing? Pin me!

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