Our kitchen is probably my favourite area to decorate for Christmas. It’s certainly the most used area in the house as EVERYONE always seems to gather in the kitchen. Not to mention that it doubles up as my craft room for most of the time too! And of course you’ve already seen some of my kitchen decorated (here’s my cocoa bar if you missed the previous post), .. but the one thing missing? .. a gingerbread man frying pan of course! 😉 – to greet you as you walk into our kitchen! Let me show you what I’ve been busy with!
what i used for the gingerbread man frying pan
Small frying pan – 15 cm – The Range
Burnt sienna acrylic paint
White acrylic paint
Black acrylic paint
Pink acrylic paint
Ribbon – I get most of my ribbons from USA to UK Wreaths on Etsy
how to make this quirky project
I mixed some acrylic white paint and brown to make a lighter brown base and painted the back of the pan and the rim. It took a few layers and I left the paint to dry in between each layer.
Once you are happy with the colour and it’s fully dried, it’s time to add the face! I sketched on the rough outline of the face with a pencil first. Because of the ridged surface it was a bit tricker but it worked out fine!
Time to trace that face! 🙂 I started with the white outline of the squiggly line and added a few white dots here and there. There’s no right or wrong order though!
Sorry, the lighting is not the best but I was finishing this off in the evening! Once this was dry I went over it again to make the colour pop a bit more!
Gradually trace and build up the face with acrylic paint and some fine brushes. Take your time – it doesn’t have to be perfect (mine definitely isn’t!), but have some fun with it.
When blending the paint for the cheeks and nose I blended the colors when they were still wet.
For the eyes though make sure that the black paint is dry before adding the white detail. Look at that cheeky face!!
Finally I added some snowy white dots around the outside of the rim.
To finish off your project grab some ribbons and make a quick messy bow. They are THE easiest to make and finish off your projects beautifully! You can check out how to make a messy bow here.
Want to see those results?
Now, it’s not perfect as I’m by no means a brilliant painter. But I think it looks fun and cute as you walk into our Christmas kitchen.
It looks so happy and colourful!
Who knew that a frying pan could look so good when dressed up as a gingerbread lady?
And it’s a great way to brighten up the little area as you walk from the hallway into the kitchen.
Let me know if you’ll be giving this project a go yourself?
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