Do you remember when pine furniture was the “in thing”? I sure do. We had a LOT of pine in our house! But over the years .. well .. not so much. I’ve either painted over it to drag it into the 21st century (you can find an example here). Or, it’s gone to pine furniture heaven (where we’ve either sold it on, or re-purposed it for other things). Turns out though, we’ve still got remnants lurking around in our house. Like these pine curtain rings which I recently found in the back of a drawer. Well, of course I would have kept them. Because .. well, it’s ME! .. like a true crafter I thought “they would come in handy some day”! Turns out they are just perfect for creating some Christmas mini wreaths.

What you need for your curtain ring mini wreaths
- Some old curtain rings
- Pine cleaners – I used some green sparkly ones that came in a craft pack from The Range
- Hot glue
- Some small accessories, like some mini bows and/or berries
And here’s how easy it it!
Take off the plastic thingies (goodness knows what they are called!!), but you know what I mean!

Add a very small drop of hot glue to secure the pipe cleaner. Wrap the pipe cleaner around the ring. Secure the end with another bit of hot glue.
Continue to cover the whole ring. For these size rings I used 6 of the pipe cleaners.
You’re nearly done. All you need now is to decorate the mini wreath with some embellishments of your choice. I used these mini bows and some red berries from The Range.

Just hot glue them to your mini wreath and you’re all done!
I used mine to add as a bit of fun to some presents. Or add them to a plain plant pot to add some Christmas sparkle!

Just add a bit of baker’s twine or string to the top and secure to your presents.

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